I am loud and proud of who I am. No amount of “I miss the old you” “woman” is ever going to bring that back. I will only make myself more opposite of who I used to be just to spite you. #trans #transmasc
Like broski you added me then I added me after I related with you about large creators joining the fandom. Then you went and retweet cub 🌽?? Idc that your boyfriend is a cop. We care that you just set the whole fandom back 10 years of reputation. Also do you know the ACTUAL definition of “Boof”? 💀💀💀 #k9atlas #trans #transmasc #furry #furrybeware #trichotillomania #boof #brotherboofer
Before you ask about her tail here is the summary : ❗️Margo’s uterus died and the infection spread to her tail therefore she had two major surgeries, a hysterectomy and a tail amputation. ❗️#margothebeardie #margothedragon #hernameismargo
Replying to @☦️ the transphobic comments always roll in everytime I wear a wig and makeup. I only do it for work and or Drag. #trans #transmasc #mattressactress #plussize