I literally wrote my book as a reaponse to this type of damaging messaging. This is not a “it works for some people” situation. This is about what we know has long term negative impacts on psychological functioning and disability advocacy. #strugglecare
Replying to @raeraecourts thanks For Asking here are my recommendations! @Rosa Picosa at Home 💕 @Ann Russell She/Her @Vanesa Amaro ♥️ #strugglecare #howtokeephousewhiledrowning #WhoDeservesYourLove #greenscreen
Replying to @user2880386686042 You watched a Kylie Perkins video about “staying away from dangerous enablers” and then came over here and heard me talking about self-compassion and long term change and thought to yourself: yes this is the dangerous one. #strugglecare
Replying to @TheRealMayhem_ what happened to you was wrong, and you deserved better. But just because it feels good to hear someone else say it, doesn’t mean it would have made your parents change. ##strugglecare