⭐️ HOME TOUR! ⭐️ As promised here is the full detailed tour of this fabulous home by @cambridgedesignandbuild. This 5 bedroom home has the most gorgeous details! from the chevron flooring, wainscoting and coffered ceilings…to the outdoor entertaining area (how cool is the putting green! ⛳️). A big thank you to Michael for inviting me over to Melbourne and opening up the doors to this beautiful home. . . . #hometour #housetour #melbournebuilder #australianhomes #luxuryhomesmelbourne
I hope you enjoy the breathtaking design and details of this architectural gem as much as l do!. Located in Mermaid Waters, Gold Coast 🇦🇺. This home is 4 Levels of pure luxury!. Let me know your favourite features 😍. . @thejadehousegc Design @stuartosman Interior Design & Furnishings @designscout_interiors Build @neptunehomes . . . #goldcoast #goldcoasthomes #luxuryhomesaustralia #mermaidwaters #queenslandhomes #goldcoastluxury #goldcoastproperty #hometour #housetour #luxuryhometour