“They are communal resources. We must safeguard them for our country and for future generations. Truly pristine resources are now extremely rare, and we must do everything we can to protect them.” #tiktokthailand #thailand #tourism #fypsg
The girl’s face had already turned purple when she was pulled out of the pool, but the woman managed to restore her heartbeat before police arrived. The saviour ended up being praised for her bravery. #news #china #fyp
Someone won’t be getting any ang paos this year #cny #lny #lunarnewyear #chinesenewyear #firecracker #firecrackers #china #chinatiktok #cars #chinesecar
In a handwritten note, the woman said that it was “fully [her] mistake of pure greed”. She claimed that she suffered from binge-eating and bulimia, and “did not have the right headspace to think clearly”. “Moving forward, I am not going to deceive any establishment and I hope you can accept my apology,” she wrote. #sgnews #tiktoksg #fyp #singapore
The three men had followed the couple at length, and while the husband initially thought that they just wanted to be in the video, reviewing the footage made him realise that their behaviour had been "completely disgusting". However, the couple also acknowledged that this incident was not representative of the Indonesian culture that they've come to get used to, as they've received plenty of kindness over their four months there. #news #indonesia #singapore #fyp