Called out for an ice bath clean! Still haven’t found something to get rid of those pink stains either 🙄 #thep00lguy #hollayaboy #satisfying #icebath 🥶
Theres alot of play sand in this pool which needs clesning out! The cartridge filter will be put to the test 😎 #thep00lguy #hollayaboy #satisfying #swimmingpool
#ad AD: Shutting this pool down for winter with help from the Moasure 2 PRO to measure up for a new witer debris cover 😎 #thep00lguy #hollayaboy #satisfying #swimmingpool @Moasure
Your new poolside hero! AD Click the link in bio for $200 off on Feb 14th 🤙🏼 #thep00lguy #hollayaboy #satisfying #aiper #AiperScubaX1PRoMax #Aiperpoolcleaner @Aiper