You should Start Making Pasta in 2025- and that’s the reasons why: - it’s delicious - good for your mental health - creative - everyone loves Pasta ! #pasta #pastaman #fyp
Simple is best🍝 Do you like it ❓Caramelle filled with mascarpone, pear and pecorino, served with butter and balsamic 🔥 #caramelle #raviolo #italianfood #pasta #onmytable #food #foodporn #EasyRecipes #chef #weekend
Gnocchi stuffed with mozzarella 🍝 Approved❓❓The process it’s very easy, I suggest using fresh mozzarella as it will melt better :) recipe 👇🏽 For gnocchi: Makes enough for 4 750g/28oz whole, unpeeled red skin potatoes (about 4 medium potatoes) 4 tbsp sea salt flakes 3 egg yolks 100g/3½oz 00 flour, plus more for dusting 1 tsp fine sea salt 250g/ 9oz fresh mozarella For tomato sauce: 75ml/5 tbsp olive oil 4 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced 2 x 400g/14oz tins of chopped plum tomatoes Enjoy x #ilovefood #gnocchi #stuffed #mozarella #freshpasta #EasyRecipes #potato #onmytable #food
Welcome to PASTATOK 🍝🔥My name is Mateo - The Pasta Man 🍝 Today I’m rolling pasta with rolling pin( matarello) I will be shaping Tagliorini, Tagliatelle & pappardelle - and lastly I want to show you how to make beautiful big Raviolo
This process is Satisfying 👀 Let’s make mozzarella and Burrata from scratch - What’s your favourite Cheese ❓ #mozzarella #burrata #Cheese #italianfood #handmade #food #italianfood