Nothing better than having your mum around. Looks like I’m going to trial eating more plain.. need to think of some ‘breastfeeding safe’ recipes ffs. I love cheese I love chocolate I love garlic. But I love Landon more. 😅
It’s lunch time for me and Landon 🤯 We’ve cracked the night times but the day time naps are a no go unless I’m holding him. I’ve managed to get him down for 15 minute stints in his purflo in the day but he wakes up if I’m not beside him.. we will get there! It’s an improvement from last week as he would legit scream as soon as I lay him down 😅 I honestly think it’s where he’s been so uncomfortable these past 7 weeks with his reflux and I’ve been holding him in the day he’s got so used to it. So the only way to enjoy my lunch chill is making food for myself just in time for his feed. Love having lunch with my little man. We stick a series on & then I cuddle him untill he naps. So proud of him, the house is a mess majority of the day and my hair rarely gets a brush but oh well. I caught a windy smile at the end of the video after his feed.. he’s just so gorgeous. 🩵
Our little week with Landon.. some of my fave moments. Baring in mind I’ve had alot of tears from not knowing what’s wrong and why he’s been sick so much and crying. (These moments obvs arnt filmed) So we had an ultra sound on his tummy and we found out he does have reflux. I had a feeling it was this. My poor little bubs. So now it’s the mission to sort it out! The nurse nanny we had fly over was amazing and is coming back next week to help with the routine and reflux also. I’ve had to change a few things with the way I feed and wind and lay him. Changing him before the feed so he doesn’t have to lay flat after I feed. Making sure he’s sat up for a while after I feed and putting a blanket under his mattress. Also getting him in a swaddle to help him go to sleep. It’s defo helping but obviously this doesn’t stop everything. I’m really hoping next week when I go back to the doctor they prescribe me what I really want. I’ve read all your comments for advice and I know what he needs. Thankyou! 🤞🏼 Anyway, it’s been a hard but still beautiful week. His smile makes it all better. Let’s hope I get a few more hours sleep tonight. 🩵
Apart from the fact i look like I’ve been pulled out of a bin it’s a good day as Landon got prescribed baby omeprazole! The only way is up 🙉😅🤞🏼 #refluxisthedevil
Forgot to add. I always get Landon to nap in each 3 hour window. So he has energy to have that full feed each time. (It’s really hard atm as he defo is a fomo baby) haha. Anyway I hope this helps! I’m no midwife but I was told by the nurse nanny I had help me those 3 days. And it bloody works. I hope you mummy’s who messaged me try it out! Let me know if it works for you. Breastfeeding police… I don’t need to hear any negativity. I’m just sharing my experience and what works for me and Landon.
Mission complete 😅🇩🇪 (had anxiety about flying on my own but wow we smashed it) Thanks mum for helping me get all our luggage checked in… and thankyou to the people who helped me today on the flight!
Landon takes London… Landon was A DREAM on the flight! So calm and amazing. So proud of him. I didn’t add the part where me and Oli forgot to add him as an infant to our booking and NEARLY DIDNT MAKE IT HOME! It was a huge stress 😅 anyway I’ll explain on another video another time. We’re here and that’s all that matters! 🎄
After this video I layed Landon on the floor on a Matt with his nappy off and the baby sensory foil on his legs. GAME CHANGER. 😅 we both ate our dinner hot and relaxed haha!oh Landon we love you. Also this dinner is so nice. You need to try it. Mince Onion Pepper Tomatoes Tomatoe puree Paprika Mild chilli Garlic granules Chicken or beef stock pot Coriander Salt and pepper Serve with sweet potatoe and roasted broccoli, avocado and coriander. Thanks Mills for the inspo!
Feels good to be cooking my gluten free dinners again. When I get a decent sleep I feel like superwoman. Can you believe Landon slept from 10.30pm till 6.30am! Looks like the 3 hour feeds are a hit and the routine we have in place is working so far. Let’s hope it happens again tonight 🤞🏼 also this dinner was 10/10! Night guys ♥️ My new gluten free cookbook ‘Love gluten free’ is available to pre order from my bio 📗👩🏽🍳 #ownbrand
I finally cooked us dinner 😅 my days are all a blur atm but I showered put some clean pjs on and made a gf chilli. Currently feeding Landon & having cuddles before I collapse on the bed. Recipe for gf chilli Beef mince Beef stock pot/ cube Cumin Paprika Mild chilli powder Onion Pepper Tin of kidney beans Salt and pepper 1/4 tube Tomatoe puree Tin of tomatoes 2 teaspoon crushed garlic I dish mine with rice and sweet potatoe diced with garlic granules and salt and pepper roasted with olive oil in the oven at 180 for 45 mins. Also add rocket with balsamic glaze and salt. Yum. Enjoy 🤎
After Christmas catch up! Landon makes an appearance I’m at the end. He is growing up so much and so amazing he is so perfect. Also I’m sure there’s a few baby farts throughout this video 😅 he makes me laugh. I’m so used to it now I don’t even flinch #boymum