البلد / المنطقة:كندا
80420الترتيب العالمي
1249ترتيب الدولة / المنطقة
621أشرطة فيديو
فيديو جديد13
متابعين جدد28.06K
طرق عرض جديدة4.28M
إعجابات جديدة715.01K
مراجعات جديدة4.6K
مشاركة جديدة38.63K
kurt التحليل الإحصائي (30 يوما)
متوسط المشاهدات 4.28M متابعون / الآراء 0.66% -
متوسط الإعجابات 28.76K الإعجابات / الآراء 34.86% -
متوسط التعليقات 157 المراجعات / الآراء 0.11% -
متوسط المشاركة 1.68K يشارك / الآراء 0.9%
kurt فيديوهات ساخنة
i love you - @BILLIE EILISH but it’s a string section solo. . IF tiktok does get banned just wanted to say thank you to everyone’s support, I’ll still be posting on insta so feel free to follow me there! i luv u guys
TWENTIES - @GIVĒON, but there a violin solo and string section on top! #giveon #twenties #violin #solo
nothing - @Bruno Major, but make it’s just violin and guitar. #nothing #brunomajor #violin
one more dance - @d4vd but there’s a violin solo and string section on top #onemoredance #d4vd #violin #cover
purple laced bra - @tate mcrae but there’s a violin solo and string section on top #purplelacedbra #tatemcrae #violin #solo #cover
all that matters - @Justin Bieber but there’s a violin solo #allthatmatters #justinbieber #violin #violin
do you think you could love me - @yung kai but there’s a violin solo and string section on top #doyouthinkyoucouldloveme #yungkai #violin #cover
this isn’t a goodbye, but more of a see you soon. Thank you for changing my life 🫶 . feel free to follow my spotify, youtube and insta: @kurttheviolinist
end of beginning - @Djo but there’s a violin solo and string section on top! #endofbeginning #djo #violin #solo
BIRDS OF A FEATHER - @BILLIE EILISH because y’all said I was sad. Also one of my favs from 2024. #birdsofafeather #billieeilish #violin
valentine - @laufey full cover on my yt!!! happy valentines day yall! #valentine #laufey #violin #cover
rearrange my world - @rex orange county @DanielCaesar but there’s a violin solo and string section on top #rearrangemyworld #danielcaesar #rexorangecounty #violin #cover
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