The golden coral is an iconic American establishment, I don’t know why it’s not the most popular establishment on earth. You just read a scooter jones caption so click to follow to support our journey
Pointer portions will get hot patched @Kiduptown use asap. you Just got caught lacking, reading a scooter jones caption so join the team and click the follow button for a cookie
Have you ever eaten at Red Lobster Alone? YOU JUST READ a scooter jones caption that means you should click the follow button and join for a high five.
Wanna know what’s cooler than the Golden Corral? Free stuff... I litterally made 3k eating food this week, yup, 3 racks from just views, and I’m teaching a free class on how to do it, but only one dude joined my community 😭 he’s a real one!
If you are feeling alone right now, just know that it’s okay to be alone, life is sometimes a solo mission and that does suck, but there ARE greener pastures ahead.. even if YOU can’t see them. By the time you see this post on TikTok i will have completed at 17 day solo trip across Europe. Stayed tuned for some unique uploads!