WHAT IS A COFFEE NAP? A coffee nap is a quick trick to feel more awake and alert, which is perfect for students who need a quick energy boost. Here’s how it works and why it’s helpful: When you drink coffee right before a nap, you get a double benefit. Coffee takes about 20 minutes to kick in, so by the time you wake up, both the nap and the caffeine are starting to work. The nap clears out adenosine (a chemical that makes you feel sleepy), making room for caffeine to have a stronger effect. STEPS: 1. Drink a cup of coffee (or any caffeinated drink) quickly. 2. Set a timer for 20 minutes and lie down for a nap right away. 3. Wake up after 20 minutes—that’s when the caffeine will start kicking in, just as the nap leaves you feeling refreshed. Try it and let me know what you think ! #coffenap #studygram
READ CAPTION! Steps below, please read disclaimer first: 1. You cannot change the logo of Apple apps. It won’t let you 2. Most icons are on Canva premium & making it transparent, isn’t. Find the logo on Google and use a background remover like remove.bg to make it transparent STEPS: 1. In Canva, design (or pick) your logo and download it as a PNG with a transparent background. 2. Open the PNG in Preview, select all (Cmd+A), and copy it (Cmd+C). 3. In Finder, right‑click the app, choose Get Info, click the app icon, and paste (Cmd+V). 4. Remove the app from the Dock, then open Settings and drag the updated app back onto the Dock.
These 5 things genuinely made me a top 1% student in my program and will do it for you too 1. Prepare a weekly routine that’s SIMPLE & REALISTIC • Decide on a few non-negotiable habits (e.g., 2 hours of focused work, 30 minutes of exercise). • Time block in an app like Google Calendar if possible 2. Do a full digital declutter • Delete unused apps and files from your phone and computer • Organize important folders for school and personal use • Turn off non-essential notifications to minimize distractions (make focus modes!) 3. Thoroughly read through every outline you receive • Sit down with your syllabus or outline as soon as you get it • Highlight key topics, deadlines, and requirements • Jot down what you’ll need to review or prepare for each section. 4. Make a grade tracker (using that outline) - free template in bi0 • Open a spreadsheet or grab a notebook • Create columns for assignment names, deadlines, and grades • Update it every time you complete an assignment or get a grade back 5. Download my template bundle (in bi0) • Download the template bundle in my bio • Use the templates to organize your notes, track grades, and plan your studies easily
Listennnn Im NOT a morning person but I do this just the morning of exams to make sure everythinG I studied is engraved deeply in my brain Multiple online article say that if you would like to optimise your attention span and practice deep learning, then it is advised you to study between the hours of 4 am and 6 am FOR DEEP FOCUS. #studytok #finals