All men fall, but the great ones? They keep getting back up. Will you? Every great story has moments of failure. Stop telling the story of who failed you and start living the story of how you overcame! #OvercomeObstacles #Faith #NeverGiveUp #Motivation #Success #Inspiration #Empowerment #fyp #viral #trending #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV #TheSCOAN
What’s the point of worldly success if your spiritual engine is running on empty? The foundation of lasting success is a rich spiritual life. Without it, all you acquire is like a house built on sand. “The first place we are to prosper is in our spiritual life” - T.B. Joshua. #SpiritualSuccess #TrueSuccess #SpiritualWealth #ProsperInSpirit #RichInSpirit #InnerWealth #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualLifeFirst #trending #viral #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV
Want to stand strong through life’s storms? Check your faith foundation. Reflect on this quote by Prophet T.B. Joshua to know the importance of faith in our daily lives as believers. #Faith #StrongFoundation #Christianity #Inspiration #Wisdom #ChristianQuotes #TBJoshuaQuotes #quoteoftheday #fyp #trending #viral #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV
What better way to celebrate than with hearts full of joy and gratitude? He alone is worthy of our thanksgiving, worthy of our praise. Come, let us exalt His name together! Join us for a special Thanksgiving Celebration in His honour. #SCOANThanksGiving2024 #ThanksgivingCelebration #CelebrateWithUs #HonorHimTogether #FaithfulThanksgiving #viral #trending #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV #TheSCOAN
Are you tired of starting over? Stop building alone. Invite God into the process today! Human strength may fail but God never will. Let Him be the Sustainer of your life. Start now! #GodMaintains #TrueMaintenance #StartWithGod #InviteGod #OnlyGodCanMaintain #DivineMaintenance #HumanNature #TrustGodInTheProcess #DivineSustenance #TrustInGod #Motivation #fyp #viral #trending #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV #TheSCOAN
Jesus is the reason for our celebration! Jesus, the Wonderful Gift, deserves our best this season! Share His love by being the solution to someone’s problem today. Merry Christmas!🎄 #SCOANChristmas #pastorevelynjoshua #Emmanueltv #TBJoshua #TheWomanInTheSynagogue #viral #Thescoan
Ever wonder why the battle is so fierce? Your commitment makes you a target! If Job’s story teaches us anything, it’s this: Commitment attracts challenges but God always has the final say! #TBJoshuateachings #spiritualwarfare #faithunderfire #fyp #trending #viral #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV
How can you love God whom you haven’t seen, yet hate your neighbour whom you see every day? #LoveGod #LoveYourNeighbor #GodIsLove #fyp #trending #viral #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #emmanueltv #tbjoshuaministries
Heaven Rewards A Selfless Heart Up today, down tomorrow? Learn the secret: Love without expectation. Care without expectation. True love expects nothing in return because the reward comes from Heaven. #LoveUnconditionally #LoveWithoutExpectations #HeavenlyReward #TrueLove #CareWithoutConditions #KindnessMatters #Motivation #Inspiration #fyp #instagood #viral #trending #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV #TheSCOAN
Living right isn’t for applause; it’s for eternal rewards! Let God be your witness, not your neighbour. God sees the heart that forgives! #TBJoshua #EmmanuelTV #fyp #forgiveness #newyear #viral #2025
THANKSGIVING LIKE NEVER BEFORE! ✨ The SCOAN Thanksgiving Service 2024 was unique! While we thank God every day, this special day was set aside to honor Him in an extraordinary way. Praises soared high to the heavens in a vibrant and colorful celebration. It was diverse and unifying—a gathering of God’s children from all over the world, united in joy and gratitude. Even a million thanks could never fully express all that God has done for us this year! The dance, the songs and the expressions of inner joy signal the coming of greater tidings.💫 #scoanthanksgiving2024 #fyp #viral #fyp #TBJoshuaLegacy #thescoan #trending #ThanksgivingCelebration #celebration #EmmanuelTV #scoanglobal #fypp
When was the last time your prayer was a real conversation with God? Think about it. Prayer is a two-way conversation and it takes the Holy Spirit to have that two-way conversation. You talk to Him and you listen to what He has to say. #tbjoshua #tbjoshualegacy #fyp #emmanueltvfamily #fypp #conversationwithGod #PrayerLife #TwoWayConversation #TalkToGod #ListenToGod #PrayerMatters #CloserToGod
KEEP CHOOSING TO WIN WITH GOD! In life's warfare, what choice have you been making? Surrendering to the enemy or choosing to press on for victory? Those who win are those who enlist God in their battles always. No matter the situation, keep choosing to win with God! #tbjoshua #tbjoshualegacy #emmanueltv #fyp #scoanevangelists #Love #SCOAN #february #choosetowin
What good is reading the Bible if your heart is chained by grudges, pain of the past? It’s like reading literature and expecting God’s divine revelation! Be a doer of the Word - let go of the grudge and let God speak to you! #tbjoshua #tbjoshualegacy #emmanueltv #fyp #Love #biblereading #doersoftheword #healingfromwithin #tbjoshuaministries #tbjoshuaquotes #tbjoshuateachings #readyourbible
"If you make a mistake, as we all do sometimes, don't run from God; run to Him." - Prophet T.B. Joshua #RunToGod #Inspiration #TBJoshuaQuotes #Motivation #fyp #instagood #photography #photooftheday #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV #TheSCOAN
🌟 Happy 56th Birthday to The Woman in The Synagogue! 🌟 Today, we celebrate God’s grace and faithfulness in the life of our beloved Mother, Pastor Evelyn Joshua. On behalf of The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV family, we thank God for blessing us with such a remarkable woman of faith, wisdom, and strength. Your life is a testimony of God’s love and mercy, and we honor the impact you continue to make in leading His people. May this new year be filled with even greater grace, divine favor, and abundant joy. We love you, and we celebrate you today and always! ❤️🙏 #HappyBirthday #PastorEvelynJoshua #TheWomanInTheSynagogue #SCOANFamily #EmmanuelTVFamily
There is power in the name of Jesus! Power to heal, deliver, and to save. Come and encounter God’s transforming power at the arena of liberty! #NewMonth #pastorevelynjoshua #fyp #sundayservice #february #tbjoshua #tbjoshualegacy #emmanueltv
Let the sick say, “I AM HEALED!” Join Prophet T.B. Joshua in this faith-filled Mass Prayer. Wherever that sickness is hiding - in your blood, bones or kidneys - it is COMMANDED OUT, in Jesus' name! #HealingInJesusName #PrayAlongwithProphetTBJoshua #ProphetTBJoshua #HealingPrayer #JesusHeals #FaithAndHealing #Prayer #Emmanueltv
THE QUICKEST WAY TO SELF-DISCOVERY What is the quickest way to self-discovery? God's Word assures us that it is by letting go of our unworthy past and facing the present and the future with faithful hopefulness! As the Lord charges us in Isaiah 43:18-19, it is time to stop taking journeys into the past as we look forward to new horizons! #scoanevangelists #SundayService #EmmanuelTV #SCOAN #TBJoshuaLegacy #selfdiscovery #fyp
"Neither do I condemn you…” Grace turned a moment of shame into a lifetime of freedom. Jesus is still doing the same today! Will you let Him? #GraceOverShame #NoCondemnationInChrist #RedeemedAndFree #viralvideostiktok #fyp #trending #viral #TBJoshua #TBJoshuaLegacy #EmmanuelTV