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أفضل 100 Tiktok حساب المشاهير فيديو (اليابان)
Did I do it right? This one was super fun to try out :) #ribbon #rhythmicgymnastics #challenge #stiliananikolova
@tate mcrae but make it rhythmic gymnastics! 🤸 #tatemcrae #revolvingdoor #rhythmicgymnastics #flexibility #hoop
@ささみ🈂️初心者からの脱却に返信 綺麗なダンスしたいなっていつも思って踊ってるから嬉しい💭🤭✨ありがとう🫶#comeagain
ぎゃるナレだいぶ久しぶりになっちゃったよ😭😭😭みんなごめんねえ😭😭😭😭😭(待ってくれてた人がいたら嬉しい) 今回は長ゼリフに挑戦!!緊張すんのよ〜🥲🥲🥲 どこで区切るか問題も切実だし、噛んじゃだめだ〜!のプレッシャー問題もあるある🥹 日々反省会です〜!!!! #ナレーション #ギャル #アフレコ #声 #ASMR #録音 #ナレ撮り
Off to go judge a rhythmic gymnastics competition!! 🩷🩷
My friend @松坂玲奈(MatsusakaReina) has so many epic moves 😍😍 How do I do this? 😭 #rhythmicgymnastics #hoop #challenge #gymnastics #新体操
Not me about to make a hole in the wall at the end 😅 anyways loving Superscar by @ADÉLA 😍 she’s so EPIC! #superscar #dreamacademy #flexibility #gymnast #adela
Yea I did that during a gymnastics competition… hehehe #rhythmicgymnastics #partytrick #gymnastics
Reunited with mom! Was not expecting her to do that!! Judging a gymnastics competition for 4 straight days with my mom 🩷 @Elena Shinohara’s Mom #motheranddaughter #gymnastics #competition #judging